Cup of Nations 2014

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Jutyrew xdssxmjhg
Предлагаю продолжить турнир
"не смогли договориться о дате и времени начала партии"

In case of ant23 word "не смогли" is inadequate to situation. There was no man to talk (about BearLogo)
Ant23 waited for any opponent every day during all tournment.
20:41 19V2014
Actually, that item rules applies regardless of whose fault the players could not agree on the game..
21:12 19V2014
So, if somebody would never login on , and this would be reason disagreed any game, you say that both teams should be punished by -2pkt?
22:07 19V2014
The law is harsh, but it's the law...) In general, any situation can be reduced to an absurdity ...
I agree, not the fault of your player, that he could not agree with BearLogo. But it does not change anything, no matter who is to blame, if not agreed - the penalty for both teams. I have a similar situation with the Горыныч, but I agree to -2.
22:15 19V2014
Law in this tournament was not perfect. Next time will be better, must be better. Should be topic to arrange the date of the game(for exsample we have this topic in polish league and everything is clear). Both players must confirm the date. If some players do not answering then is problem.who making problems then should lose by walkover (for example ant23 ask about game but BearLogo do not answer, Who is guilty? Any way Nation Cup is very good idea, thanks for organisers and players, that was good "fun"
1:52 20V2014
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Agent, my game with Alf is valid game. It is weakness of script runing on this website. Script checks table nr of game by user who invites. I was reserve so aplet can't corelate any table with me. Admin promised to fix it when tournment will be finished.
I do not agree to move time of finish CoN.
It is finished for me.
We agreed even 3 reservers not to be lags with playing.
Kubusio can play tomorrow but could not play yesterday. So i played in place of him.
We've done everythink to finish all games last week.
So I don't agree to play more. Tournment is finished.
If we assume that the tournament is over, what to do with invalid games?
13:27 19V2014
It will be walkovers.
I agree for 1 walkover against us (grzesiek2f vs Putin)

Rest of games should be walkovers for us ( Gorynich vs grzesiek2f and Ant23 vs BearLogo )

In case Nnoitora and Alexey Priymak i suggest walkovers 1:1
Rest of games Ukraine vs Russia should be walkovers for Ukraine (against Russia)
17:38 19V2014
That is, you have to offer that option?

Nnoitora - Alexey Priymak 3-0
Alexey Priymak - Nnoitora 3-0

agent47 - Горыныч 3-0
grzesiek2f - Putin 0-3
Горыныч - grzesiek2f 0-3

ant23 - BearLogo 3-0
Dolf Lundgren - BearLogo 3-0
BearLogo - Dolf Lundgren 0-3

Brendi - hubr 3-0
19:49 19V2014
Регламент турнира
4.3 Если один из игроков опаздывает более чем на 15 минут, то его может заменить запасной игрок. Если не придет и запасной игрок, то команде опоздавшего игрока присуждается техническое поражение.

grzesiek2f - Putin 0-3
Brendi - hubr 3-0

4.5 Если партия не состоялась по той причине, что противники не смогли договориться о дате и времени начала партии, то обе команды штрафуются на 2 очка.

Nnoitora - Alexey Priymak (-2)
Alexey Priymak - Nnoitora (-2)
agent47 - Горыныч (-2)
Горыныч - grzesiek2f (-2)
ant23 - BearLogo (-2)
Dolf Lundgren - BearLogo (-2)
BearLogo - Dolf Lundgren (-2)
20:06 19V2014
Действительно, у нас же есть регламент. Тогда все просто и понятно, не спорю.
20:19 19V2014
ну чтож, если вам так сложно продлить турнир на 2 дня, с победой агент
20:43 19V2014
Спасибо..И мне тоже жаль, что так получилось, но дергать турнир из-за того, что некоторые участники не настроены играть - тоже не слишком. Жаль, что тебя подставили некоторые игроки сборной.
21:09 19V2014
I agree walkovers proposed by Putin!

Thanks to all for playing. It was hard week for all of us.

Congratulations to Ukraine team.

22:23 19V2014
Thanks admin, kretes, Putin and all the players. Though passed all not the best way, but still the tournament took place and it was good. The main thing in the future do not forget about the mistakes made in this tournament.
22:35 19V2014
I prepared a table reflecting your decisions here. I hope it's correct.
Congratulations to Ukraine team, and thanks to all captains and the players.
0:15 20V2014 is the link to the table, but I will move the table to later.
0:18 20V2014
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Why is the game kretes - Alexey Priymak is in excess games?
This was because of the fact that Alexey played twice with red colour, which was not expected by the script.
0:18 20V2014
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I do not have time to come here, it will appear only from 21.05 till 23.05. 9 games left to play, my team play them, but if not, I'll play for them as a reserve.
Alexei: Nnoitora was available all week, and you came only for two days, not in your right to reproach him for the absence.
Propose to extend the tournament to finish all the matches. Kretes, Agent, what do you think?
Hope for fruitful cooperation
7:26 19V2014
7:27 19V2014
Alexey was not due to problems with access to account and if so access is not returned, him would replace the reserve players...Reserve players were in teams for such cases, but for some reason you do not use them.
Zed is not available, you're busy, why him does not change any of the other spare players?) Why Горыныч several days refused to play with me? Why Brendi Sunday morning waiting Hubr, and at this time he sleeps?)
9:46 19V2014
It's all to what - we are not satisfied Russia's attitude to the tournament. Of course, if Poland agrees to extend the tournament, then so be it ...
9:55 19V2014
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Putin where your team, where reserve players?
Putin, who will play with ant23? BearLogo or one of reservers?
grzesiek2f - agent47 (no terr) 18.05.2014 at 22:00 (ukrainian time)
BearLogo, when can you play?
hubr - Brendi 18.05.2014 10-30 Msk (terr.)
senny_mojrzesz - Онопко
Michał - Brendi 18.V.2014 1300 MSK terr
baobab will play instead me
1:03 18V2014
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senny_mojrzesz - Онопко 16.05.2014 23-20 msk TERR
andreyko - kretes 16.05.2014 23-30 msk (no terr.)
senny_mojrzesz - andreyko 17.05.2014 (21.00 Warsaw time)
Онопко - senny_mojrzesz 16.05.2014 22-10 msk
20:51 16V2014
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If Alexey Priymak won't get his account, then one of reserve players would must play.
admin, I can't get access to my account, see email
Онопко - andreyko 16.05.2014 20-45 msk (TERR)
Rin - Skylead 2 games 16.05 22-00 Moscow time
Рин, когда будем играть? Я могу сегодня и завтра вечером!
Kubusio - Nnoitora 2 games 16.05 15-00 Moscow time
Putin - grzesiek2f TERR 15.05 22:00 Warsaw time
Привет всем. Я вчера был в пути за границей. Домой я приехал поздно в ночи. Сегодня я ещё усталый и играть не хочу. Завтра (16-тый) могу играть в любое время после полдня Московского время. Простите пожалуйста. Поздравляю.
Byłem wczoraj w podróży i do domu dotarłem późno w nocy. Dzisiaj jestem zmęczony i nie chcę grać. Jutro (16-go) mogę grać o dowolnej porze po godzinie 10 (12 czasu moskiewskiego). Wybaczcie mi więc, bo teraz idę się wyspać.
21:10 15V2014
Nnoitora готов играть каждый день после 23:00 MSK
21:20 15V2014
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Только у меня заграм не грузится?)
grzesiek2f - agent47 (no terr) 15.05.2014 at 22:00 (ukrainian time)
agent47 - grzesiek2f (terr)
hubr - Michał terr
Bredni - Michał 16.V.2014 2200 MSK
hubr - Brendi 15.05.2014 22-00 Msk,0
22:39 15V2014
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Bartek - Skylead (terr)
21:24 14V2014
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Skylead - Bartek ( no terr)
21:24 14V2014
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andreyko - Онопко 14.05.2014 21-00 msk
20:36 14V2014
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BearLogo - Ant23 TERR
Putin - agent47 TERR
Dolf L - Ant23 14.05.2014 22-15 msk
Hubr - Michał 14.05.2014 19:00 WAR
Our first game
20:44 13V2014
Second game:,0
21:39 14V2014
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Bearlogo - Ant23 13.05.2014 22-15 msk
Bartek gratulacje Husarzu :)
Онопко, andreyko when You can play? I can play 18.30 - 22.30(warsaw time) monday-friday or weekend, time more flexible

Putin - agent47 13.05.2014 21:45 MSK
Bartek - Rin (terr)
Rin - Bartek (no terr)
Bartek - Rin - 13.05.2014 at 3 P.M (Warsaw time)
Bartek - Skylead - 14.05.2014 at 1.30 P.M (Warsaw time)
grzesiek2f - agent47 - 14.05.2014 at 8 P.M (warsaw time)
Brendi and Hubr - I'm available every day after 7 P.M Warsaw time
Hubr vs Michał - 13.05.2014 at 7 P.M (warsaw time)
17:42 12V2014
We play at 11 P.M (moscow time)
9:15 13V2014
actually, at 10 P.M(MSK)
13:55 13V2014
even 9
14:22 13V2014
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Turnment will start on Tuesday 13.V.2014 at 2:00 a.m. Moscow_Time ( 0:00 Warsaw_Time), but players may set up their games with opponents from now (but the game must be played between 13 and 18 May).

*** And also players should write here when they going to play. ***
а year ago agreed that optionally announces the game in advance ..
18:08 11V2014
let it be
20:28 11V2014
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Team of Russia
1. Nnoitora (1900)
2. Горыныч (1791)
3. BearLogo (1641)
4. Rin (1456)
5. Онопко (1391)
6. hubr (1398)

Putin (1795)
Вася Новиков (1510)
Зафар (1449)

I play two games instead of Горыныч, so agent47 and Grzesiek2f please contact me.
Team of Ukraine
1. Alexey Priymak
2. agent47(c)
3. Dolf Lundgren
4. Skylead
5. andreyko
6. Brendi

Ashe Spirit
Team of Poland:
1. Kubusio
2. Grzesiek2f
3. Ant23
4. Bartek
5. Senny_Mojrzesz
6. Michał


Kretes (c)
All the captains, declare here squads of your teams, please.